• Montmartre Street Art

    Street art thrives in Paris’ Montmartre district, where the famous staircases and smaller streets are given an edgy feel by the colour, feeling, celebration and wit expressed by street artists from far and wide. The art comes in all forms: paintings, stencils, pasted prints, mosaics and 3D casts. The following works were all photographed in 2020. I have decided not to give precise locations of the works, as I think seeking them out adds to the magic. Also, street art is constantly evolving and not around forever and, while it is sad to see a favourite work go, it definitely keeps things fresh. Indeed, no two walks around Montmartre are…

  • Books to Read if You’re Going to Japan

    What do you think of first when someone mentions Japan? Is it Mount Fuji, the ‘Hello Kitty’ culture, manga, the food? (Hmmm, sushi, yum!) The years Japan spent closed to the world preserved its traditions and behaviours making it a very unique and interesting country. Fortunately, the works of many Japanese authors have been translated into other languages, making them accessible to the non-Japanese audience, and providing a fascinating window into this world. Perhaps I ought to start with a disclaimer. You see, unlike the other posts in my ‘Books to read before you go’ series, I’ve never been to Japan. If it weren’t for Covid-19, I would have visited…

  • Books to Read if You’re Going to France

    One of the world’s most visited countries, the wealth of literature about life in France comes as no surprise. With so many people jotting down their take on the country, there really is something for everyone. Memoirs, tick. Historical fiction, absolutely. There’s loads of non-fiction for those wanting to learn more about France too, and foodie books, bien sur. What a pleasure for Francophiles the world over! My bookshelf is pleasingly overflowing with titles about or set in France. It is probably the largest collection, by country, in my possession. This is the longest list I’m publishing in my little series of ‘Books to read before you go’. Obviously, I…

  • Books to Read if You’re Going to Italy

    Glorious Italy, what a country! The food, the art, architecture, scenery, and again, the food! It’s little wonder people are constantly falling for its charms. Poor Italy is probably the European country hit hardest by the Covid-19 crisis though. All the more reason to keep visits to those of a literary or imaginary nature, for now.

From its simple pleasures like delicious fresh gelato, to it’s exquisite details like the architecture in the centre of Florence, an Italian life seems very rich indeed, and often quite loud! I have visited Italy several times and always enjoyed myself there. In fact, I would be preparing for a trip to Rome next week,…

  • Books to Read if You’re Going to Greece

    Here we are, another week of Covid-19-induced lockdown later, and here’s another post from me containing book recommendations; this time books to get you in the mood for Greece…or perhaps you’re reminiscing? Either way, a literary feast awaits. Unique to Greece’s literary offerings are the many incredible sagas of Greek mythology. Or perhaps you prefer fiction, memoirs, poetry? Greece has inspired it all. My visits to Greece started with childhood family holidays and I’ve been lucky enough to continue visiting over the years. The Greek islands hold a special place in my heart (the sea, the sunsets, the food!) Here, in no particular order, are some reading recommendations from me.…

  • Books to Read if You’re Going to Turkey

    Having been a keen traveller for years, I have also been an avid reader. These two passions easily overlap as, while planning trips, I love reading about places I will visit to see if I can improve my cultural understanding and appreciation of a new place and I also enjoying revisiting, through books, places I have been. While we’re all temporarily grounded (thanks Covid-19), I thought I’d share some posts about travel literature during this period of solitude. I’m going to start with Turkey. Having lived in Turkey for a number of years myself, albeit a while ago now, these days I am mostly reminiscing when I read books set…

  • Visit the Amélie Film Locations in Paris

    Amélie, or Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain, to give it the complete title, is one of the funniest and most charming films of recent years to be set in Paris. It makes a wonderful preview of Paris for many visitors and the best bit? This area of Paris really has the ‘village feel’ depicted in the film, and it is possible to visit it. Here’s where to find the Amélie filming locations in Paris. Paris is a large city but the area Amélie calls home is relatively compact. Montmartre is spread out across the Butte de Montmartre (a hill in the north of Paris), on top of which stands Sacre…

  • Things to do in Honfleur

    Spending time in the picture-perfect port of Honfleur is a treat for history buffs and fans of the arts. Famed for it’s appealing harbourside, Honfleur has a long and interesting history which definitely makes it worth exploring. Honfleur is a small place that is easy to explore by foot. If you were determined to, you could visit most of the sights in two days, but why hurry in such a pretty place? You could easily spend several days taking in all Honfleur has to offer at a leisurely pace. Le Vieux Bassin Ports don’t come any prettier than Honfleur. The 17th century port is surrounded by tall 6-7 storey medieval…

  • The best adventures in the UK

    Want to spend your weekend in the UK enjoying the outdoors? Are you keen to get away from the television, mobile phones and laptops? Why not go on an adventure? Are you struggling to think of somewhere fun to take the family for a short break? While the UK is especially good at pubs and country gardens, there are also loads of more adventurous activities on offer too. From white water rafting to rock climbing, there really is something for everyone. Here are some great ideas to help you choose your perfect activity. White water rafting If you’re after a thrilling experience and don’t mind getting soaked, why not pull…

  • An evening wine tasting in the Loire Valley? Yes, please!

    What do you think of when you imagine visiting France? If, along with the glorious food and scenery, it’s the splendid wines of the Loire Valley that come to mind, you’re in for a treat. Since 2016, Chateau Chenonceau has hosted an evening’s wine tasting each summer in the Chateau and its manicured gardens, and the best news? There are lots of wines to try, and it’s open to all. What better way to decide which Loire Valley vintage is your favourite than by trying them all? The producers of the Touraine Chenonceaux wines come together each year at the ‘Degustation sous les etoiles’ (Wine tasting beneath the stars), held…