The Chaos of finishing a chapter of your life

My life has had many chapters so I am excited about starting a new one, but at the same time my current chapter is racing along at full speed. Rather than imagine I am keeping up, I feel like I am being hurled along with it. Deciding to let my property while I’m overseas was a good decision, but it has created SO much to do ahead of my departure. I am filtering through cupboards and trying to throw out as much as possible, taking down shelves, painting walls and fixing things I didn’t even know were broken. I have also had to talk to my mortgage provider, pick through lengthy documents and sign my life away at the estate agent and organise various legal safety checks. This is on top of all the normal things like moving house, redirecting my mail and saying goodbyes.

I have said goodbye to my extended family already. My Grandma is amazing. She is 92 years old and cannot sit still. I saw her the weekend before last. She demanded an address she could write to me at. It seems acceptable that I travel, so long as she knows where I am.

There were leaving drinks last night at work. There are a few lunches next week, dinners and drinks with other friends too.

Once I have moved all my stuff to my Mum’s place this weekend (thanks Mum!) I then have to pack to move to Australia (no small feat) AND get the rest of my stuff into Mum’s attic in some sort of organised fashion and hopefully without bringing the ceiling crashing down. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!

I am still excited about going, of course I am. But mostly I am completely and utterly exhausted. At the moment I am stressed, steep-deprived and I haven’t got enough hours in the day. In twelve days though I will be starting my next chapter in Australia. I keep telling myself “It will all be worth it. It will all be worth it.”

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