• Whale watching in Vancouver

    Having loved whales and dolphins since childhood, whale watching in Canada was a ‘must-do’ for me. There was no way I could pass through Vancouver without going whale watching so, having identified ‘whale season’ (May to October), I planned my trip and started to get excited. As a teenager I used to ‘adopt’ orcas through whale and dolphin charities, and over the years have often supported conservation efforts for whales, sharks and other marine wildlife, with my support for educating people about protecting these creatures only increasing during my years working as a dive instructor. As my trip to Canada approached, seeing these gentle giants up close in their natural…

  • Whale watching in Western Australia

    Every so often life shows you something wonderful. Happening upon a whale and calf playing lazily in surf just off a local beach is one of those things. The coastline in south west Australia is spectacular and although the water is often cold enough that you are not tempted to swim, the sunshine keeps you warm whilst exploring and there is always something to photograph. Having driven 120 kilometres east out of Esperance to Thomas River, no sooner had we stepped onto the squeaky white sand, we spotted a whale and calf playing in the bay. To the western end of the beach is a gentle sloping rocky outcrop that…